1 November 2010 | A Day in The Life of The Avatar #AutobiographyoftheAvatar #thelifeoftheavatar "Understand, if you put a gold coin into mercury, the gold will just melt. If you look from the angle of mercury, mercury is expanding; fun for mercury. If you look from the angle of gold coin, it is just getting dissolved, suffering, suffocation for the gold coin. Do you want to become the gold metal... you want to associate yourself with the metal or with mercury? See till you come in touch with the mercury, if you associate yourself as gold, it’s ok, but the moment you are touched by the mercury, just jump to mercury; because that is going to be there forever and ever and ever, not gold. It may be worthy in the outer world, worthy in the market, but it’s not going to be eternal. So just jump to the mercury, feel connected with the higher reality - Master, which is going to exist forever and ever and ever." -From the morning message on 24 August 2010 named, "Living with The Master" YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z-1h74pcG4

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