श्रुतिसारमिदं देवि सर्वमुक्तं समासतः । नान्यथा सद्गतिः पुंसां विना गुरुपदं शिवे ॥ ३२०॥ sṛutisāramidaṁ devi sarvamuktaṁ samāsataḥ | nānyathā sadgatiḥ puṁsāṁ vinā gurupadaṁ śive || 320 || 320. O Śive (Auspicious One), this is the essence of all Śrutis. In this everything has been said in a concise summary. There is no other way to attain the ultimate destination or liberation for people without the feet of the Guru, Gurupadam. Padukas made by The Avatar which He offered for His Guru Arunagiri Yogishwara #guru #devotion #worship . . . . . #nithyananda #fridaythoughts #worldsleepday #kailasa #kailaasa #motivation #feelgoodfriday #inspiration #shiva #mahadeva #mahdev #thirdeye #spirituality #spiritual #kailash #shivalinga #hindu #hinduism #india #temple #hindutemple #HinduRashtra #hindunation

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