"WHEN ADI KAILASH WAS TO BE BUILT, I PERSONALLY SAT AND COLLECTED CLAY AND MADE BRICKS WITH WOODEN PLANKS. 72 BRICKS I BAKED MYSELF. IT TOOK ONE WEEK. AND FOR A LONG TIME, I WOULD GO TO ANY HALL WHERE WE CONDUCT OUR PROGRAMS, AND START CLEANING IT MYSELF. IF THE PROGRAM STARTS AT 6 AM, I WILL GO AT 4 AM AND CLEAN, WASH IT, PUT THE GURUS' PICTURES, AND WHEN IT IS 6 AM, I WILL GO AND SIT ON MY SIMHASANA - THRONE!" - The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) on the early history of Adi Kailasa Sarvajnapeetham, which is today a sprawling city for enlightenment in the outskirts of Bengaluru, South India. Read more: https://ift.tt/39ZnjFz Photographs: The first photograph is of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism conducting the Bhoomi Puja in the land of Adi Kailash on 4th November 2002. The second photograph was taken around the same time in land of Adi Kailash, which was then still a heavily forested land with no electricity or irrigation.

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