Three generations prior to the advent of The Avatar, Sri Kumaraswamy Chettiar, who would be the great grandfather of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, lived a profoundly devoted lifestyle, worshipping the shiva-linga, as per the instructions of Shiva Himself. One day, he was overwhelmed by an intense vairagya, the most earnest intention - to renounce all worldly desires and attain liberation. He decided to forego all of his wealth. He took a bath in the temple water tank, shed all of his karmasand emerged as a paramahamsa, an enlightened being. Kumarasamy Chettiar spent the rest of his life in Varanasi in North India - the spiritual capital city of India. He committed thenceforth only with Paramashiva, until the time came when he merged with Him in the ultimate and final state. In this photograph he is seen in the traditional Hindu attire. Read more on the biological family of SPH:

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