This is the first set of puja vessels which was used in worship by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. In Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Paramashiva Himself teaches how to manifest supreme consciousness through puja and devotional worship Through the divine life of The Avatar, Paramashiva has taught the very same through His own example by intensely and passionately living it. Power: Manifest powers through pure devotion, become Shiva Shaastra Pramana: Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra, sutra 121, dhāraṇa 96 ' bhaktyudrekādvirak-tasya yādṛiśī jāyate matiḥ | sā śaktiḥ śāṅkarī nityaṁ bhāvayettām tataḥ śivaḥ || 121 || 96. By the intensity of devotion or pure love for the Divine, when the detachment arises in your mind beyond the intellect, that is the shakti of Shānkari, the power of Divine Consciousness. The intellect (mati) is transformed into the divine consciousness. Then, by the constant space of devotion, you will become one with Shiva. #oneness #devotion #becomeshiva #shiva #mahadev

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