🌄"Guru is the most sweetest Being who sacrifices everything, just to get you out of the exact patterns where you are stuck. Job of Sadashiva, first and foremost job of Sadashiva, when He assumes the human body is, He sacrifices, He is Tyāga Raja [King of sacrifices] – He sacrifices anything and everything just to get the disciple out of his pattern, just to get the disciples out of their pattern." - The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) At the age of around 6 or 7 years, Mataji Vibhutananda Puri (Guru of SPH) instructed SPH to go out on the streets and beg for alms, in the traditional way that sanyasis, or the Hindu monks, beg. Through this revolutionary discourse, SPH teaches how to ultimately transcend the fabricated assumptions of the mind about others and life and follow Guruvak, the instruction of the Guru, and experience the benefit of it in one's life. Go to this link to watch the full video: https://ift.tt/3oZtYUa Photographed below are Yogiraj Yogananda Puri, the Yoga-Guru and Mataji Vibhutananda Puri, the Vedanta Guru of SPH. #begging #nithyananda #kailasa #kailaasa #yoganandapuri #vibhutanandapuri #guruvak

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