🦢🌺 "Grace is the capacity to invoke love with just your sight" - The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism on the Superconscious quality of Grace. He goes on further to reveal, "ONE OF THE MOST GRACEFUL BEINGS I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE, IF I HAVE TO LIST, ANNAMALAI SWAMIGAL, YOGI RAM SURATKUMAR, TIRUCHI SWAMIGALI, NARAYANA SWAMI, ISAKKI SWAMIGAL... ONE OF THE MOST GRACEFUL BEINGS AMONGST ALL THIS IS TIRUCHI SWAMIGAL... MOST POWERFUL COGNITION HE RADIATED CONSTANTLY IS "HAVE DARSHAN OF MOTHER, MOTHER WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU". WHOEVER WHO WAS INTEGRATED TO HIM, FOR THEM IT IS..." Click here to read more from this satsang: https://ift.tt/3jssgK6 Tiruchi Swamigal initiated the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism into the Shakta Sampradaya, the worship of Devi Parashakti. Tiruchi Swamigal himself was initiated by Mataji Vibhutananda Puri, who was the Guru of SPH. Through the profound revival of the Shakta Sampradaya, an endeavour spearheaded by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, this is the lineage carried on to continue to serve humanity with the most powerful way to connect to the Cosmic Consciousness - through worship of the Divine Feminine. Photographed below is all the Gurus mentioned by SPH above, including Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Annamalai Swamigal, Narayana Swami and Tiruchi Swamigal. #tiruchiswamigal #nithyananda #kailasa #kailaasa #annamalaiswamigal #yogiramsuratkumar

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