An Introduction to The Avatar in His own Words ⚫from a very early convention held by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism in 2002 ⚫YouTube link: "Question from the audience:Have you experienced God? Can you describe it? Swamiji - Yes. I have experienced. One thing, have you tasted sugar? Have you tasted? How is it? What is mean by sweet? So experiences cannot be expressed. Even the experience of tongue, you are not able to express. I have experienced with the whole body, whole mind and whole Being. The experience with which you experience only 2 inch or 3 inch, the tongue... the experience with the tongue which you have, just with 2 or 3 inches tongue, you are not able to express. But I have experienced God not only with body - with mind and with spirit… with My Being. How can I express in words? So only one thing I can say, “Yes.” Nothing else can be told. And one more thing, there are few proofs I can give you. Only one or two things are difference between enlightened man and an unenlightened man. If he... a man is not enlightened, he can speak much better than what I am speaking, the way I am speaking. He will be a great scholar, intellect. Even My language, if you find, My language also is not so sophisticated high class language. I am speaking in very common day to day language; My language or expression, anything, you will not find that I am a great pandit. So with the way….the way which I am talking you cannot understand. You cannot even measure. The real scale whether a man has experienced God or not is - in his Presence you will feel a beautiful energy. That nobody else can do, nobody else can radiate energy except a man who realized, who experienced God; nobody else can do that. Anybody can speak beautiful and if you find some philosophers, professors, they will speak much beautifully, much better way than Me. Go to colleges. There are so many universities, so many professors, so many lecturers. They will speak in much more beautiful way. If they have beard, it will look good also. I am man with no beard, no other….Not only beard, whatever the outer product paraphernalia, I have no other paraphernalia. If any of you would have met Me personally, if you have met Me independently, individually, you will find Me, I am nothing more than a small child. Just My laughter or anything, it will be so simple and open and direct. Whatever I speak, whatever I convey, will not have any mystical association with it. The way in which a Swami is supposed to behave, your imagination - the way in which a Swami is supposed to speak, it will not be there even for a single inch. You will find a simple normal ordinary Being, ordinary but extraordinarily. You will find a simple Being. Through these scales you cannot measure whether a man is enlightened or unenlightened, whether a man has realized God or not. Only one scale - Man who can radiate energy, who can give energy, who can give his blessings… tangibly - who can emit energy. That is the only scale. So Shakti - if you have realized ParaShakti - if you have realized God, if you have realized Brahma Shakti, the surrounding, the Presence of you will be very heavy. Heavy means it will be living, it will not be dead. Your Presence will be, your aura, very aura will be totally different. That’s the only scale with which you can measure whether a man is enlightened or unenlightened."

via Autobiography of The Avatar from Kailasa
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