☀️A Divine Truth Revealed to The Avatar by Yogi Ramsuratkumar, one of the Gurus of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism ✨ "One more Master key I received with Ramsurat Kumar, a great Yogi. I was sitting next to him, it was a midnight, two-o-clock in the cremation ground, Amaavasya [moonless night] dark night, some sound, dog barking or something in the cremation ground in one corner. I asked him slowly, Swamiji everyone always talks about this ghost, bhuta, preta, are you not afraid of it? how are you handling? What mantra are you doing to protect you from that bhuta, preta? He laughed and just slapped me. He has the habit, whenever he gets excited he will just slap people. This Ramsumat Kumar, whenever he gets excited he will slap people. He slapped me and said, Aye fool, you, everything outside me, you and everything outside me, all these are my projection. Me, everything outside you, is all your projection, even we are the projection of each other, then how can bhuta come without me projecting it outside! Listen, he said beautifully, "Even things which you are seeing in front of you is your projection, then unless you project how can a ghost or bhuta or preta can come?" He said beautifully, "Even you are my projection, unless I project, how can bhuta, preta, pisacha can come separately. Its all our projection." I dont know how whether it clicked with you guys or not, but the moment he said, the way he said it just clicked with me, like a Master click, Master key." Watch this profound discourse titled "Master Keys to Seeking" here: https://ift.tt/3p663Tr The Avatar spent numerous hours with Yogi Ramsuratkumar with several witness who have seen guru and disciple often times together. The attached photograph is a rare capture of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism seated behind and gazing at Yogi Ramsuratkumar as he is performing traditional rituals. The Avatar's deep devotion is evidently seen in this photograph of Him with His Guru.

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