A beautiful spiritual Initiation given by the goddess Ganga herself🌊👑 From the Divine Life of The Avatar "I can tell you one thing, if you just be passive even an ordinary bamboo, an ordinary hill, an ordinary river, can become guru; they can initiate you. I myself first was initiated by Arunachala hill. Of course I can’t say that hill is an ordinary hill. If you have received initiation, then it becomes guru. You can never conceive it as an ordinary hill. Maybe for a normal man it is an ordinary hill. I tell you when you are passive Ganga can initiate you. I have known hundreds of sadhus who have been initiated directly by Ganga Maata, river Ganges. I myself had initiation from Arunachala hill. I had a deep process with Ganga Maata. I used to sit with her, sunrise to sunset just watching things floating on her. Maybe in ten - fifteen days, I realized whatever change happening in my inner space is also just like things floating on me, like how things are floating in Ganga Maata. Nothing touches Ganga, so nothing touches me. I can say this is a process I had with Ganga. It became realization; just like how when things float on Ganga; you don’t worry. See, like this rainy season, so many things will be floating in the Ganga including human bodies. If you sit in Calcutta on the bank of the Ganges, you will see animals, human bodies, plants, trees, huge trees which are sometimes like a 50- 60 feet length, huge trees with the whole root they will be brought by Ganges and it will be floating. So, so many things will be floating. I will just see; sit and watch. In few days I realized; just like how things are flowing in Ganges and never Ganges is affected, same way I saw that sleeping, waking, dream state, seeing, visualizing, all the triputi bedha, all the different distractions, different changes in my inner space are just flowing and nothing is touching me, nothing is touching me….. untouched." Photograph: The Avatar in deep meditation on the banks of Ganga in Gomukh during a Himalaya Yatra in 2004.

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