Yogiraj Yogananda Puri was a master of the innate superhuman capabilities and power manifestation science in which SPH has revived and initiated millions of people. Not only SPH but several witnesses of his power have testified to his uncanny ability to seize control of whatever He wills in whichever way He wants, whether it something which is a solid matter or as immaterial as time. Yogananda Puri demonsrated being able to change the temperature of any liquid, being able to drop coconuts from trees through His intense stare and breaking the most gigantic and dense rocks. Not only this, he was able to cure poison bites, teleport and materialize matter and teleport himself. Yogiraj Yogananda Puri was well adept in the science of Surya Siddhanta and aushada. In one instance, SPH exemplified how Yogananda Puri would use the mud from the Arunachala Hill, which is literally the energy of Paramashiva Himself and a few herbs in order to heal a devotee from paralysis. In an interview with Senthil, the biological older brother of SPH, he only began to unravel the mysteries behind Yogiraj Yogananda Puri. The most interesting detail of all being that the Master, Yogananda Puri, and disciple, SPH, seemed to have an unspoken and mature relationship that went beyond any of their minds when they were that age. It was clear that SPH was the favorite of their yoga guru, but beyond that they seemed to have a common secret understanding of the universe itself and thus made decisions and mutual agreements based on a higher purpose that operated in a higher dimension than any of them. All of the biological family of SPH, including his cousins who went to the same yoga classes as well as Sampath a blessed friend of the Avatar all spoke about a similar theme , ultimately surrendering to the fact they understood very clearly that what went on when they were not present between SPH and his gurus was something that that was beyond their understanding. This divine and mysterious relationship was mentioned by SPH himself only once when one day, before Arunagiri Yogishwara Himself began giving darshan to SPH Yogananda Puri told him, "Father is Himself going to come and teach you!"

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