Yogananda Puri was the Guru of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) in the path of Yoga. Such was His dedication to the Hindu Principle that ‘Knowledge is free’, He did not charge for any of his Yoga classes or the vast amount of knowledge and power which he transferred seamlessly to those who came around. He worked in the State Bank of India in Tiruvannamalai to earn money barely enough to sustain his family of 12 children. Though he mastered the guise of seeming quite ordinary on the outside, Yogananda Puri was a powerful yogi and effortlessly wielded the powers through Oneness with Paramashiva. Following are the words of SPH on Yogananda Puri's power over sound: “I have seen Yogananda Puri playing with sound. He was a master in sounds – shabdha tattva, vak tattva. He would take a stone and create a sound like a stone being hit by a hammer. That stone would split into two pieces! In the same way, he would take an iron rope, and create a sound through the tongue as if it was hit by a powerful tool, weapon or cutter. It would just break into pieces! He would sometimes create a kind of a sound as if a dog is barking. In the dog's language, it was a kind of an invitation. From the entire surrounding area, some sixty to seventy dogs would gather around him suddenly! Usually, when you call, the dogs will not come; they will be afraid to come. Usually, you can drive the dogs away, but you cannot call them! But I have seen how, just by creating a small sound, Yogananda Puri would make all the dogs come to him. I have also seen that whenever people brought food for him, he would eat a little bit, and throw the rest to the street dogs and all the other animals that lived around there.” #yogi #power #superpower #Hindu #nithyananda #science #yoga #superhumam #spiritual #thirdeye #shiva #kailasa #kailaasa

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