With tremendous gratitude, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) reveals how Mataji Vibhutananda Puri (Kuppammal), His Guru in the Hindu Sciences of Vedanta, Tantra and Sri Vidya, used to spend 3-4 hours preparing the sacred aushada (energized herbs) which will prepare SPH's body to radiate the Supreme Consciousness for humanity for long years on planet Earth. She used to walk for miles, collecting the herbs needed around the Arunachala Hill and then prepare the aushada, which SPH would then apply diligently as He was instructed to. Just as dedicatedly as they made the sacrifice to go to all extents for finding the right herbs, so too did the SPH follow what His Gurus said without a single doubt or question, perfectly fulfilling what was required for the most sacred nexus of the Guru-disciple relationship, which is the backbone of KAILASA - the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational Nation that existed once upon a time and which SPH is reviving, as the core of His Mission on Planet Earth. These are the extremely potent yet seemingly simple sacrifices which His Gurus made for the 2 billion Hindus today to enjoy the revival of KAILASA, the enlightened civilization. Watch the global address by SPH on 19 July 2020, titled "Tool to Find Your Ultimate Possibilities and Powers" where He elaborates on His Guru Mataji Vibhutananda Puri. https://ift.tt/3iyjbio findyourguru #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa #sacrifice #aushada #enlightenment #herbalmedicine #herbs #hindumedicine #vibhutanandapuri

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