Upon the Mahasamadhi - final resting of the mortal frame - of His Gurus in 1995, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) followed the last instruction given to Him by them by joining the Sri Ramakrishna Mutt in Mylapore, Chennai at the age of 17. It was His Gurus' wish that SPH serve in the great established spiritual organizations such as The Sri Ramakrishna Mutt to later establish and teach the highest discipline, dedication and structure of those organisations who are forerunners for the same in Hindu History. Until today the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism says, "I feel proud to have served in the Ramakrishna Order." In this photograph, SPH is standing next to Swami Ranganathanandaji, the 13th president of the entire Sri Ramakrishna Order, whom SPH served personally. #ramakrishnamutt #ramakrishna #Vivekananda #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa

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