Today there are millions of us, citizens of the world's greatest Hindu nation, KAILASA, who are initiated into manifesting shaktis, extraordinary powers, such as reading using the power of the Third Eye, remotely viewing a place, or simply scanning a body with the Third Eye and diagnosing and healing illness. If we have entered successfully in this realm of supernal powers and experiences, it is because of the sheer dedication and sacrifice that the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) underwent at the age of twelve for Him to manifest the enlightenment experience to show its possibility to humanity, and for millions after that to receive initiation from Him and tread the same path and achieve that Ultimate Oneness. In this photograph, The Avatar (SPH) is seated on the exact rock where He had the Enlightenment Experience at the age of 12. #dedication #enlightenment #nithyananda #kailasa #kailaasa #livingenlightenment #spiritual #thirdeye #shiva #mahadev #paramashiva #yoga #yogi

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