This photograph is a rare and enlightening capture of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism with His biological parents, Ma Lokanayaki and Sri Arunachalam from around the 1988, as they were on a spiritual pilgrimage to visit the temples of the state of Kerala. Ma Lokanayaki and Sri Arunachalam were the blessed parents of The Avatar, who saw Him as their most beloved son and simultaneously their Supreme Lord and Ultimate Guardian. They were continuously astounded by the divine developments in the Life of The Avatar even as they played their respective roles as His parents who fed and nurtured Him carefully until He came of age. During one particular trip, much like this one, to the city of Ooty in Tamil Nadu, with Sri Arunachalam (His father), the SPH, His brothers, one of His maternal uncles and an elderly neighbor, they took a break nearby a Rudraksha Tree. As the young Avatar sat underneath this rudraksha tree, He began narrating the story of Karna Moksha, how the notable character from Mahabharata, Karna, had acheived liberation by Sri Krishna. As He narrates, the elderly neighbor who accompanied the troupe, rested on the lap of SPH, feeling so drawn by the youthful incarnation of Paramashiva and kept His eyes closed, visualizing the scenes of Karna Moksham (Karna's liberation) as they were being told by Paramashiva Himself and suddenly feeling so at peace. As SPH closed the final line of the story of the liberation of Karna, the elderly man exhaled his last breath and was cured once and for all of the bhavaroga, the epidemic sickness of continuously taking multiple births and deaths. The father of The Avatar was speechless of the unquestionable power of His Divine son, who seemlessly liberated a soul at the mere age of 12, with any doubt of the divine nature of the one who carries out all five divine actions, surrendered unto deep humbleness and devotion.

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