This is the book ‘Devi Māhātmyam’ from which the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) chanted the sacred verses extolling the matchless epic of Devi Parashakti as She destroyed the negative forces of the world and protected those who earnestly prayed to her for protection. SPH describes that He used to continuously ring a bell while chanting the Devi Mahatmyam (also called ‘Chandi’) as a part of His personal spiritual practice in the path of the Shakta sampradaya, the worship of the Divine Feminine. His fellow-monk and roommate - Gopal maharaj from Sri Ramakrishna Mutt (1995-1999) reveals that He would chant these 700 verses three times a day during the auspicious Navaratri festival dedicated to Parashakti. #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa #devipurana #devimahatmyam #ramakrishna #chandi

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