There are only two rare mystical objects which exist on Planet Earth from other dimensions. One is the porridge bowl given to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa by Sri Rama. The other is this sacred ochre {kavi} cloth. This ochre robe is the robe of initiation Arunagiri Yogishwara - Paramashiva Himself and Guru of The Avatar - wrapped around The young Avatar (when He was 11 years of age) initiating Him into monkhood {Sanyas}. The ochre robe has been tested in the finest of international textile dealers and found to be unique and undefinable. The initiation happened under a metaphysical Banyan tree which Aruṇagiri Yogishwara led The young Avatar to upon the culmination of a nine-month long period of the ideal Guru-disciple relationship with The Avatar (1988-89). Arunagiri Yogishwara sat as the Guru under the Banyan tree, The Avatar as the disciple, thus unfolding a Divine Leela of Paramashiva as the Guru and Paramashiva as disciple as well. Read and explore further into this divine leela of Paramashiva: #superhuman #power #guru #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa

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