The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) walked over 2,000 miles during His years of spiritual wandering for the Divine Mission of bringing Superconscious breakthrough for humanity, enriching those whom He encountered with the higher cognitions about life, the world and Universe one person at a time. At this time SPH had few personal possessions besides the ochre {kavi} robes which were wrapped around Him. Among those, He kept this pendulum which He would use to check the purity of any food which was offered to Him for eating when He begged for alms as a wandering Sadhu {ascetic}. He would hover the pendulum over the food and if it rotated clockwise, the food was pure. If it moved anti-clockwise, the energy of the food was negative and unhealthy to partake. This pendulum is part of the Sovereign archives of KAILASA today as part of the Pushpa Samadhi - sacred objects touched and used by Incarnations and great Seers. #wanderer #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa #spirituality #spiritual #pushapasamadhi #wandering #parivrajaka

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