🦢🌸The next increment in the personal memoirs of The Avatar's biological mother, Ma Nithya Lokanayakananda Swami, where she writes how naturally she became a role model for all the sanyasis, brahmacharis and brahmacharinis (Hindu monks and Hindu monks in training) initiated by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism ✨🌙 English translation: Once when Swami was talking to me in 2006, He told me, ‘Amma you should be a role model to others.’ I did not even know the meaning of ‘Role model’ at that time but I said ‘OK’. Then I told the persons with me, ‘Swami told like this. I don’t know its meaning.’ They said, ‘That is nothing Amma. Like how you participate on time for all events like Puja or Satsang, in the same way, you have to conduct yourself as an example to others. That is what He told as ‘Role Model’. Then I would be present for Yoga, Puja, Satsang and everything on time. At that time the newly joined brahmacharis and brahmacharinis once told me, ‘We would sometimes think not to attend Yoga on certain days. But immediately a thought would arise in us: When elderly Amma comes on time, we should not miss going, and we would immediately come! If you were not a role model for us, many days we would miss coming.’ I have never told them anytime to come everyday without missing a day. But they saw the way I conducted myself and they too conducted themselves the same way. It was at that time I thought that this is what Swami might have meant when He said ‘Role Model’ The following is Swamiamma's own handwriting written in Tamil, her own mother tongue. #mother #malokanayaki #nithyananda #kailasa #kailaasa #parenting #rolemodel #throwbackthursday

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