Photograph of the paternal grandmother of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Anusuyammal and her pet dog Mani. Anusuyammal was the paternal grandmother of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. She was married to Annamalai Chettiar who passed away very early after the pair had three children, Kumarasami, Arunachalam and Jayakumari. Sri Arunachalam was the biological father of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. After she was widowed in her 30's, Anusuyammal lived an extremely chaste and devoted lifestyle and became closely associated with Mataji Vibhutananda Puri. The dog whom she is holding is named Mani. In the words of SPH as He recalls the devoted companion Mani: "Mani is the character of the dog actually. It grew up very close to me and would always be sitting next to me when I was doing Pooja. It would not allow any kids to come and disturb" In this way, in the leela of The Avatar, not only human were attractwd to live around Incarnation of Paramashiva Himself, imbibe His physical presence, and attain the most supreme state.

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