madhu-lubdhau yathā bṛangaḥ puṣpāt puṣpāntaraṁ vṛajet jñāna-lubdhas-tathā śiṣyo gurogurvantaraṁ vṛajet 89 89. Just as a bee thirsting for honey goes from one flower to another till its thirst is fully satisfied, so also the disciple in authentic quest or seeking of knowledge should approach different Gurus (till he finds his ultimate Guru). -from Guru Gita, the verses extolling the greatness of Guru, the form of Paramashiva as the ultimate guide from darkness to light The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism after the Avataric Realization which He experienced at the age of 22 on 31 December 1999 and founded the Nithyananda Sangha, the organized mission toward reviving KAILASA, the enlightened civilization and world's only Hindu Nation.

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