Kripananda Variyar Swamigal is a very well known Enlightened being, contemporaneous of Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Annamalai Swamigal and other great Seers and incarnations in Tiruvannamalai (birthplace of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH)), who have influenced and enlightened the Hindu diaspora and sincere seekers in Tamil Nadu and worldwide. Variyar was prolific and well known for his extraordinaryTamil discourses and melting devotion to Lord Muruga, and has revived a number of temples in Tamil Nadu, India. From a young age, SPH unfailingly attended the discourses of Kripananda Variyar Swamigal everytime the latter visited Tiruvannamalai, who in turn recognized the Divine Soul in the seemingly small boy in front of him. Read about a Divine incident with Kripananda Variyar Swamigal here :

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