Isakki Swamigal who was also called Panchamukha Swamigal in Tiruvannamalai (birth town of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism - SPH), was named after the place where he would always be found - Panchamukham, where all five faces of the sacred Arunachala Hill give darshan in one vision. After He had a divine experience here at a very young age, he was always inclined to remain here, as if in waiting for the Incarnation of Paramashiva Himself to assume the human body as the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and spend many hours here, engaging in vakyarthasadas - active spiritual discussions - on the great Truths - with Him by the fire as the Sun was setting and all five faces of Paramashiva gazed upon them as witness. Read more on Isakki Swamigal: #isakkiswamigal #panchamukham #nithyananda #kailasa #kailaasa #guru #findyourguru

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