In His teachings today, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) teaches ‘integrity to the Guru’ as a fundamental core concept for all Kailashians, and a spiritual principle for the whole of humanity. In one Divine Leela from His own life, He describes how with the strict integrity to His Guru's instructions to beg in the streets for alms, He transcended so many fears and conflicts that would normally burden the human mind. While simultaneously revering Him as the ultimate embodiment of Paramashiva, His Gurus also played their role perfectly, and transmitted to Him, the deeper cognitions about life, the world and Universe. This entire Guru-disciple relationship He lived from childhood with His numerous Gurus, in this case Mataji Vibhutananda Puri, or Kuppammal, becomes the living story of the principle of Guru Tattva - The Guru-disciple Truth that is the backbone of KAILASA - the ancient, enlightened, Hindu civilizational Nation, which He is reviving. It is through this eternal tradition of Guru-disciple lineage that the greater Science of Hinduism which is ‘Living Enlightenment’ has been transmitted from one generation to the next. Read more: #kailasa #kailaasa #nithyananda #kuppammal #vibhutanandapuri #integrity #begging #monkhood #sannyas #spirituality

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