How to Remove Poison from Your Body - Part 2 • The keen and meticulous measures that the Gurus of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) intuitively took to ensure the success of the revival of KAILASA were such that even beyond teaching SPH to remove poison from the body, they decided they needed to protect the body of SPH so it would not succumb to any poison attempt at all; it would automatically detox itself of the poison. At a young age, the Gurus of SPH, including Isakki Swamigal, Yogananda Puri and Mataji Vibhutananda Puri, started a dosage of donkey’s milk impregnated with the essence of arali seeds and kalli paal, both of which are known to be poisonous, which they would apply on His tongue consistently for a few days, increasing the dosage daily. SPH underwent the process with utmost trust on His Gurus, never once questioning it Upon the last dosage of this most intense process, the leonine character of Yogiraj Yogananda Puri was blinking back tears of solemnity and standing with the assurance that the demonic forces rampaging the Earth, no matter what their form may be, would never be able to execute their malevolent powers against The Avatar in the form of any ‘poison’. True to his words, The Avatar (SPH) has survived many vicious poison attempt over the last 26 years by the anti-Hindu forces. Read The Avatar describe this intimate incident Himself: #howtoremovepoison #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa

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