"Books and Deities Made Nithyananda" - the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) when summarizing His own Divine childhood. This photograph was taken in His childhood home in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. He is seated alongside His personal deities as well as His prized scriptures and books on the greater Hindu Sciences, from which He even learned the Tamil alphabet and read before any conventional education could teach Him. Today, SPH is organising, preserving, time-capsuling, decoding and spreading the surviving 20 million Hindu scriptures and books, to build KAILASA’s world’s largest Hindu knowledge repository. And He continues to revive the Science of birthing deities in various forms and mediums, through establishing over 120 Hindu temples worldwide. #books #nithyananda #spiritualbooks #worship #kailaasa #kailasa #spiritual #Avatar #temples #deities

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