Behold the darshan of the deity of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism as Sri Annapurneshwari, the goddess of food and nutrition, who eradicates not just the hunger of the stomach but the sublime hunger of the soul for ultimate liberation. Yesterday, we offered the Avahanti and Nithyananda Homa offering our worship and reverence to the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism in the form of Sri Annapurneshwari. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism is the very embodiment of Sri Annapurneshwari who has not only began over 600 freely serving kitchens, Nithyananda Annalayas, all over the world in 108 countries, but also is reviving the science of Hindu food and nutrition, giving a breakthrough to the common understandings of hunger, correct diet and eating. Through the revival of the Nirahara Samyama, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism has gifted to humanity a fool-proof methodology to awaken superconsciousness and live entirely without hunger, and transcend diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and much more. #eradicatinghunger #serve #nithyananda #kailasa

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