💮🌷 An astounding experience shared by The Avatar's biological mother in her own handwriting ✨🌻 English translation ~ In the year 2009, on Guru Purnima day, the groceries that we had bought for Guru Purnima and for the monthly provisions were all getting over by 1’oclock in the afternoon itself. At that time Swami was giving blessings to everyone. The brahmachari who was in charge of the kitchen, went to Swami and said, ‘Swamiji, all the items purchased for Guru Purnima and for the month are almost over and there is no time to go to Bidadi and purchase. Swamiji gave him a handful of rice and said, ‘Mix this with the rice and cook. This will grow as ‘Akshaya Patra’ (inexhaustible vessel given by Lord Surya to Yudhishtira as recorded in the grand Hindu epic Mahabharata).’ That brahmachari did as he was told. Just within a short time, a devotee came and offloaded a van full of rice and groceries. Guru Purnima got concluded in a beautiful way. #mother #nithyananda #kailaasa Kailasa #matrubhava #miracle #superpower #endworldhunger

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