As a mere 18 to 22 year old Incarnation, with the intense energy of Paramashiva brimming from Him, The Avatar trekked from the temples and vast beaches of the southern states of India, to the wild jungles of Central India onto the slopes of the Himalayan mountains, not to mention bathing and gracing the sacred rivers in the North, all along, meeting and enriching every individual He encountered with the enticing secrets of the Universe, as part of the revival of KAILASA, working with each individual, one at at time. In these times of uttar aloneness, The Avatar moved on courageously with few possessions, in complete surrender to demonstrate the Truth that Existence always provides what is needed for the moment. As many times He walked without even sandals to bear His feet, Mother Earth felt blessed to be graced with the feet of Paramashiva Himself and absorbed the divine exudations from His overflowing inner space. #yatra #padayatra #nithyananda #kailaasa #kailasa #spiritualwanderer #spiritualwandering #wandering #wanderer #travel #hiking #climb #ecotourism

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