As a Master of the sacred Hindu Science of Yantra and Mantra, Aushada and Spiritual Alchemy Science, which are respectively the sacred geometries, utterances and herbs for healing and enlightenment, Narayanaswamy Pillai transferred all of this knowledge to the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) for it to reach millions who have the potential to transform with this pure knowledge. Narayanaswamy has therefore contributed largely to the KAILASA’s Archives of Sovereign today with the books, notes and sacred Mantra initiations he would give to SPH, which was safely protected in the Sovereign Archives of KAILASA until today. Among those sacred items is this small note which is a handwritten mantra given to SPH by Narayanaswamy, with His name written on the top right corner. The Avatar used this mantra to materialize objects as well as to manifest what people wanted in their lives. #manifestyourreality #miracle #aushada #alchemy #nithyananda #kailasa #kailaasa

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