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  30-31 Aug 2021 - On this auspicious Krishna Janmashtami Day, we celebrate the Happening of Sri Krishna Bhagavan - the most colourful incarnation humanity has ever witnessed. Incarnations happen to give us Superconscious breakthrough. Every incident in their life is orchestrated to show us the peak possibilities in our own life. That is why their Life is called 'Leela' - Divine Play. Watch this delightful 10-minute video where The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism - living incarnation of Paramashiva, describes the darshan of Sri Krishna He beheld in Gujarat in the period 1995-1999 (when He was 17-21 years of age), when He was traveling across India by foot, silently fulfilling millions of prayers in people's homes or just anywhere they beheld Him. Having one Divine darshan can break the thick layer of intellect and raise one to the realms of Oneness with the Whole. To reiterate this Truth for human beings, the Krishna darshan Lila Happened in the Life of The SPH. BE BLESSED with

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United Nations recognizes persecution on The SPH Nithyananda and KAILASA

United Nations recognises persecution on The SPH Nithyananda and KAILASA

United Nations recognises persecution on The SPH Nithyananda and KAILASA

7 October 2012 | Participants of the Inner Awakening Convention awaken higher possibilities in the compassionate, and healing presence of The Avatar #AutobiographyoftheAvatar #thelifeoftheavatar . . . . . . . . #bengalelection2021 #nithyananda #kailasa #assam #congresss #tiruvannamalai #arunachala #tamil #spiritual

7 October 2012 | The Avatar watches over the participants of the Inner Awakening convention. As they sincerely write their life's experiences, The Avatar's healing and compassionate space burns away all of their stresses, fears, worry and the heavy weight they feel related to their past. #AutobiographyoftheAvatar #thelifeoftheavatar . . . . . #arunachala #nithyananda #kailaasa #tiruvannamalai #tamilnadu #

7 October 2012 | The Avatar listens intently as participants share their revelations, experiences and questions during a session of the Inner Awakening convention held in Kailasa in Tiruvannamalai. #AutobiographyoftheAvatar #thelifeoftheavatar . . . . . . . #arunachala #tamil #tiruvannamalai #spiritual #congress #bengalelection2021 #nithyananda #kailasa #assam

1 September 2010 • A Day in The Life of The Avatar #autobiographyoftheavatar #thelifeoftheavatar . . . . . . . . #worldmalariaday #worldmalariaday2021 #nithyananda #healing #spiritual #kailasa #kailaasa #thirdeye #tiruvannamalai